in a few months, life explodes into something amazing.
who i am today does not recognise who i was half a year before.
not behavior alteration, but something from the inside out.
Jesus increase, I decrease.
No Jesus, no I.
2008 will be a year of difference.
the zone, the church, will only expand as much as we break limitations.
the war has started...
THE ESCAPE -by bx & me
Threw the stars ;9:59:00 AM
Sunday, December 09, 2007
this is like some long long marathon and everyone's running together. some faster, some slower.
up ahead, i can see a few people who are taking the lead. turning to those beside me, we all decided to keep up with them. but along the way, distractions got a hold on me. perhaps they are flowers?little pebbles along the road? and i picked them up one by one, adoring each and every single one of them.
before i know it, when i looked up again, i was lagging behind. so i tried to catch up.but things i've picked up along the way held me back, weighed me down. i threw some of the withered flowers away but the pebbles still held me down. even then, i still constantly looked back at those flowers that i've thrown away, thinking how beautiful they once were.
i continue running but it seems that those in front are just way too hard to catch up with. feeling discouraged, i've tried and failed many times.
but now, it is different. it's time to just throw off every single pebble, every single flower. even if i cant catch up with those in front, i'll run with those who are beside me now. i'm going to give those who are ahead of me support, cheer them on!
at the end of it all, we're all gonna meet Jesus together.
-ruoen's blog
this is super powerful.
Threw the stars ;1:54:00 AM
Friday, December 07, 2007
Where can we find Pastors like our Pastors?
constantly amazed by their love.
Threw the stars ;11:04:00 PM
Monday, December 03, 2007
i am tired of the world. tired of apathy, pleasure & glamour (image wihtout substance).
we need to do something; we need to make the change.
if not us, then who? if not God, then how?
Threw the stars ;1:42:00 PM
Sunday, December 02, 2007
i came home today and found him sprawled like this and he made me LAUGH. HAHA :D
so cute.
hahaha thank God for my sheeeeep.
Threw the stars ;12:16:00 AM
Saturday, December 01, 2007
you guys are the carriers of revival. i can see a whole generation rising up in your school.
small people + BIG GOD = BIG IMPACT
wee,joel,naomi. you guys are awesome (:
Threw the stars ;12:24:00 AM
to be
b40 bzone heart of God
loves JESUS
one life one love one God; like Pastors